In addition to the descriptions of the labs, the
handouts provide additional background information that will be
helpful. The
handouts are listed in the approximate order that they will be used.
- Sample & parent distributions
- Quantities describing distributions:
mean, median, & mode
- Measure of width
- Expectation value
- Distributions: binomial; Poisson;
- Combining two observations,
covariance, and error propagation
- Application to error of the mean
- What you should include in your lab
- Some guidelines regarding style and
- What you should expect and how to
prepare for the "show and tell" part of class
- Computer representation of numbers
& computer arithmetic
- Numerical algorithms and when they fail
- Dispersion and diffraction
- Basics spectrometer layout
- The grating equation and grating blaze
- Dispersion & spectral resolution.
- The USB 2000
- Least squares to fit a straight line
- Introducing matrix arithmetic in IDL
- How to compute the weighted mean using
maximum likelihood
- Error propagation to find the error in
the weighted mean.
- How to fit a straight line
- The celestial sphere, observers� and
celestial coordinate systems.
- Rising and setting, and sidereal time.
- How an equatorial telescope mount
works and some of the elements of a Cassegrain telescope.
- Follows a photon from a distant star,
throught the atmosphere, reflection at the telescope mirrors, through
the filter and into the CCD.
- Discusses systematic errors: dark
current and flat field errors.
- Introduces the stellar centroid and
gives and example of IDL code.
- The photoelectric effect
- Charge transfer mechanism
- CCD properties and deficiencies
- A simple CCD noise model using
elementary error propagation
- How to find the gain assuming Poisson
- Definition of the center of light and
width of a star.
- Error propagation exercise to find the
error in the centroid.
- Equations of condition
- Application of least squares and the
matrix norm
- Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse
- Some examples