XVista manual page


XVista is a collection of programs that run on UNIX machines under X-windows for the display and reduction of astronomical images. It has evolved from PCVISTA (Treffers and Richmond, Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 101, pp. 725-730) which was in turn designed to be a somewhat compatible subset of the VISTA program developed at U.C. Santa Cruz and Berkeley for the reduction of CCD data.

The C language source code can be found in ~treffers/XVista8.











XVista uses variables to carry data such as sky brightness or pixel locations from one program to another. Variables may be substituted for any numerical input data. In addition any arithmetic combination of variables can be used.

The let command allows users to set the values of symbols and to inspect their values.

The allowed arithmetic operators are +,-,*,/ as well as the elementary trigonometric and exponential functions: sin, cos, tan, sqrt, exp, log, log10. Parentheses are allowed; however, no spaces may be included in any arithmetic statement. For example, in the axes command the value of sky could be set by "sky=4.5*sin(blotz)", where blotz was a preset variable. Note: the entire group was set in quotes to hide the * operator from the UNIX shell.

Some programs set the values of the XVista variables. For example:

mn the mean of the file fname

the "sky" contribution
axr, axc
the center row and columns found by AXES
the location of the boxes
the location of the circles

The XVista variables are stored in a file referred to hereafter as the ``symbol table''; it is a small ASCII text file. The name and path of this file must be set by the environment vaiable SYM_TABLE.


The image data are stored in disk files in FITS format, a commonly used method of storing multi-dimensional data containing header information. A description of the standard is given in Wells, Greisen, and Harten, Astron. and Astrophys. Suppl. Ser, 44, 363 (1981).

The header contains information about the number of axes (always 2), the numbers of rows and columns (NAXIS2 and NAXIS1 respectively) and the word size (always 16 bits in this suite of programs). Note that the XVista FITS-reading routines understand ONLY 16-bit integer FITS files at this time. Although FITS header variables such as the time and date of the observation and the exposure time may be present, XVista makes little use of the header data, and except for window and bin does not modify the header. The header can be inspected by using the buffers command.

The data files usually have the three letter extension `.fts'. This extension will often be added by XVista commands and need not be typed in explicitly. You can read files with different extensions by typing them explicitly.

Although internally most of the arithmetic is done as 32 bit integers, the data are written as as 16 bit integers. The data are treated as "signed" quantities ranging from +32767 to -32768. If two data files with pixel values in the neighborhood of 20000 are added together (without the NORM switch), the data will "overflow" into negative numbers.

The FITS reader is capable of reading data with BSCALE and BZERO values, however, many of the commands will only write data with BSCALE=1.0 and BZERO=0. and so truncation may occur.


To compile XVista we recommend you copy the compressed archive file into a separate directory (Xvista). Then run the following UNIX commands:

uncompress XvistaN.a
tar x XvistaN.a

Where N is the version number of Xvista. If all goes well you should create all the executable programs. To invoke thes programs from other directories you will have to modify your PATH. In addition you should modify your .login file to set up the symbol table. For example:


# to clear off values from previous logins (optional)

The tv program communicates to other program by X-window properties. For them to work properly you must place the propinit command into the routine which is called on the startup of X-windows. On a Sun running open windows we place it in the file ~/.openwin-init.

For the manual pages to work we go thru a rather arcane procedure of setting up a separate subdirectory `man1' below the Xvista directory and placing all the .man files with their extension replaced with .1 (yes, the number 1) into it. And placing the following line into the .login file

setenv MANPATH ~/Xvista:/usr/man

The exact details of this command will vary from user to user, try to read the UNIX man page on man.

You will also have to modify the makefile to specify the exact path for the file `xplot.help'.