XVista manual page


rowcol - extracts row(s) or column(s) from a CCD data frame


rowcol filename [row=n1] [col=n2] .....

rowcol filename [row=n1,n2] [col=n2,n4] .....


Use row=n1 to select row n1, or col=n2 to select column n2 from the file specified in the command line. Alternatively a range of rows and columns can be specified by two numbers delimited by a comma. The output file consists of ASCII columns containing the column/row number and the value of the data expressed as an integer and will be written to stdout.

Multiples rows or columns may be mixed on the command line, with the multi column output.


rowcol alphalyr row=100 row=112- selects the data from row 100 from the file `alphalyr.fts' and writes output into a three column format with one line for each column of the ccd.