XVista manual page


rotate - rotates an image


rotate file [pa=] [left] [right] [ud] [fill=] [outfile=]


Rotates each pixel value in the given file by the position angle specified (in degrees) by the pa parameter. Any pixels shifted out of the image are discarded, and vacated pixels are set to zero or the value set by the fill keyword. The program uses a bilinear interpolation algorithm.

If the left, right, or ud (up/down) keywords are specified, the image rotated by pixel rebinning. The orientation refers an image whose row and column origin is at the upper left hand corner.

The rotated image overwrites the image by default unless the outfile option is specified.


rotate m13 pa=2.34 fill=sky - rotates the file m13.fts by 2.34 degrees filling vacated pixels with the value from determined by the last sky command.

rotate MayIUlf left - rotates the file MyaIUlf.fts by ninety degrees.


imshift flip


Nothing is done to the header to indicate that the image has been rotated. The outfile option does not copy the header at all.