The Radiolab Pictorial, 1995

The 1995 Radiolab pictorial represents our first attempts to design,
construct, test and observe with a new and improving radio telescope system.

Dr. David Cudaback. The man
who had the inspiration and
energy to make these laboratories

Dr. Dick Treffers is the technical
expert who has made this laboratory

Curtis Frank. Curt is leaning
against a 21 cm (HI) pyramidal
horn radio telescope. For scale,
Curt is 2 meters tall.

Cindy Hancox is assembling the
front end plate of the HI system.

Raghu Parthasarathy is analyzing
raw HI data on wvirg.

We needed to finish our roll of film,
so here's Curt, looking through a
circular feed horn.

Young Paik (left) and Chien Peng are two of the lab regulars.

This is the infamous "rack". No,
this isn't some medieval torture
device, although I think many of
the AY120b students would disagree.
This equipment generates the local
oscillators and test signals and
performs a host of other functions
necessary to observe at radio frequencies.

Curt, Raghu and Robyn Millan
(behind Raghu) attempting to fix an
uncooperative chart recorder.

Keiko Sakashita kneeling behind
our 12 GHz methanol maser
circular dish radio telescope.

Jeff Block is obviously very proud of his duct
tape work on the 21 cm horn radio telescope.

Robyn Millan took this fuzzy picture
of Curt and Raghu scanning the horizon
with a small pyramidal horn antenna for
interference sources.

Last updated on April 1, 1998