pro background ;+ ; Name: ~thirty/background/ ; ; Purpose: An example IDL procedure for Leuschner Thirty ; 1. points to Albireo and takes some images (J,K) ; 2. offsets to subtract sky image ; 3. Please run 'openup' before this procedure ; 4. Please focus before this procedure ;- ra='19:30:43.3' ;albireo (HD 183912) J2000 dec='+27:57:35' ;albireo (HD 183912) J2000 exp_time = 1 ;seconds, exposure time wait_time = 1 ;seconds, time to wait for telescope to settle ra_offset = -0.2 ;(degrees) offset amount for subtraction image ;point to albireo *************************************** print, 'Pointing txstring = 'tx point ra='+ra+' dec='+dec+' epoch=2000' ;print, txstring spawn, txstring ;tracking on ******************************************* spawn, 'tx track on' ;make sure tracking is on ;Aquire K image **************************************** print, 'aquiring K image' spawn, 'tx filter name=Kshort' wait, wait_time ;seconds, let telescope stop shaking spawn, 'qimage time='+strcompress(exp_time,/remove)+' outfile=albireo.k.fits' ;Aquire H image **************************************** print, 'aquiring H image' spawn, 'tx filter name=H' wait, wait_time ;seconds, let telescope stop shaking spawn, 'qimage time='+strcompress(exp_time,/remove)+' outfile=albireo.h.fits' ;Aquire J image **************************************** spawn, 'tx filter name=J' print, 'aquiring J image' wait, wait_time ;seconds, let telescope stop shaking spawn, 'qimage time='+strcompress(exp_time,/remove)+' outfile=albireo.j.fits' ;---------------------------------------------------- ;Offset for sky spawn, 'tx offset ra='+ strcompress(ra_offset,/remove) + ' cos' ;---------------------------------------------------- ;Aquire J sky image *************************************** print, 'aquiring J Sky image' wait, wait_time ;seconds, let telescope stop shaking spawn, 'qimage time='+strcompress(exp_time,/remove)+' outfile=sky.j.fits' ;Aquire H sky image **************************************** spawn, 'tx filter name=H' print, 'aquiring H sky image' wait, wait_time ;seconds, let telescope stop shaking spawn, 'qimage time='+strcompress(exp_time,/remove)+' outfile=sky.h.fits' ;Aquire K sky image **************************************** spawn, 'tx filter name=Kshort' print, 'aquiring K sky image' wait, wait_time ;seconds, let telescope stop shaking spawn, 'qimage time='+strcompress(exp_time,/remove)+' outfile=sky.k.fits' spawn, 'tx track off' ;make sure tracking is off ;spawn, 'closedown' star_j = readfits('albireo.j.fits') - readfits('sky.j.fits') star_h = readfits('albireo.h.fits') - readfits('sky.h.fits') star_k = readfits('albireo.k.fits') - readfits('sky.k.fits') tvscl, star_j, channel=3 ;blue tvscl, star_h, channel=2 ;green tvscl, star_k, channel=1 ;red end