The server communicates through Berkeley sockets using the BAIT remote server protocol The default port is 0x1340. It is traditional to operate the flip mirror 'server' at port=0x1341.
flip [put=] [home] [debug] [relax]
It returns the current position of the mirror in decimal degrees in a format like:
done flip position=351.4
put= Rotates the mirror to the angle specified in decimal degrees. The angles will only be stable as long as the power remains on. The flip mirror is driven by a stepper motor with 400 steps per revolution. Therefore the angular resolution is 0.9 degree.
home -moves the mirror past the home position switch in order to set the zero point of the angle calibration. The reproducibility of this procedure is unknown.
relax - turns of stepper motor power so the mirror can be rotated by hand. Note: the position angle readout will be in error since there is no encoder.
debug -turns on debugging printout. This is only visible in the server log file. There is no way to turn it off.