rseti command


rseti-photometer readout server


rseti [debug] [int] [port=]


rseti is a server program that controls the two Computerboards CIO-CTR5 counter cards. rseti uses the BAIT protocol to communicate over BSD socket. The default port number is 0x1340.

It has commands to

int -allows commands to by typed in the keyboard rather than thru the BSD socket. The data cannot be inspected in this mode.

debug -more debugging printout about what is going on.

port= sets the port to the specified value int Hex (e.g. 0x1341). The default value is 0x1340.


The CIO-CTR5 uses the wretchedly complex AMD 9513 counter. See the system diagram oseti003 for details.

The first CIO-CTR5 (counter A) is setup as follows:

Interrupts are enabled by writing a 1 to Dig 0 output. The second CIO-CTR5 (counter B) is setup as follows:


The counter command reads the accumulated counts from the 7 counters. The syntax is the following:

counter [nsamples=100] [rate=]

The number of samples specifies the number of triads, i.e. nsamples=100 will return 300 numbers. All numbers will be returned as 16 bit in highendian order as required by the protocol.

The rate option sets the sampling frequency in Hertz. All seven channels are sampled simultaneously at this frequency. There is no default value of the rate and it will remain the same as the last time set. (This behavior violates the protocol and may be changed in the future.)

The command replies with a string similar to:

done counter nsamples=100 rate=100 channels=7 integer nbytes=1400 bzero=0 dead=100

The dead keyword specifies the counter dead time in microseconds. The maximimum sample rate is 500,000/dead_time Hz.


The dac command controls the outputs of the six digital to analog converters. The syntax is the following:

dac [dac0=] [dac1=] [dac2=] [dac3=] [dac4=] [dac5=]

Where the values set the outputs of DAC0 - DAC5 respectively. The number should range between 0-4095. The output voltage ranges between -5 and +5 Volts D.C.


The dig command reads the 4 digital input lines associated with each of the two conters. The command takes no arguments and returns a string similar to

done dig diga=ff digb=ff


The rseti program communicates with the CIO-CTR5 via a homemade Linux device driver. The two CIO-CTR5s or one CIO-CTR10 is installed as /dev/ctr5a and /dev/ctr5a. The device driver is designed to respond to interrupt 5 at which time it reads counters 1,2,3, and 4. See OSETI PC Setup
Seti Index

Last Revised January 5, 2001