Mira Configuration

Mira runs under Windows 2000, and is responsible for controlling the GPIB board and the devices attached to the GPIB bus, for various radio lab functions.  Currently, the devices supported are:

*  2 Stanford Research Center DS345 Function Generators
*  HP Voltmeter , HP3478
*  Wavetek 2407 Synthesized Signal Generator  

The GPIB board is communicated with using a Tcl/Tk extension and socket server program, 'gpibserver.tcl', which also communicates to the Solaris machines in 705.  More gory details of the use of these devices can be found here.

To run the server, simply boot up the machine with a valid IP address configured. (this will be dependant on where Mira is, as it has
been used at both Leuschner and in 705).  IT shoudl boot without need for passwords.  Run the program Tkcon.  In the white window, type gpibserver.tcl .  The server program then should be ready and waiting your remote command.

Remote commands are sent using the sendgpib program on the ugastro cluster.   sendgpib help should prove useful in specifying the
syntax to use for commands.

Last updated on Jan 21, 2005