Fast Configuration

This 450MHz Pentium with 385 MB of memory is observatory master. It is running RedHat Linux 7.1 (a 2.4.xx kernel)


Startnet on Fast ties together all the internal networked PC services to be callable from the program tx over socket connections.
It is crucial that when the server is started on Fast, the servers on the internal machines have all been started, first, by running
the individual machines' startnet scripts.

Startnet has a line in it defining the varialbe SERVER, and in this line, all PC's on the internal network currently being
used should be defined, and NOT defined at all if not in use! See comment lines in startnet script for details.

Once startnet fires up o.k., the server program tserver will be running.
All available services can be seen by typing tx help .

(For further explanation of the server system, please see this page.)


#Here is the fire up for Leuschner
# This is the local Wire

#below are the Second connection to campus

/sbin/ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR0} broadcast ${BROADCAST0} netmask ${NETMASK0}
/sbin/ifconfig eth1 ${IPADDR1} broadcast ${BROADCAST1} netmask ${NETMASK1}

/sbin/route add -net ${NETWORK0} netmask ${NETMASK0} eth0
/sbin/route add -net ${NETWORK1} netmask ${NETMASK1} eth1

GATEWAY="" #Router address
/sbin/route add default gw ${GATEWAY} netmask metric 1


Sound is turned on by the command. sfreflect

Back Up

I have a duplicate hard drive mounted as a slave to the primary hard drive of Fast.  It contains a mirror of the entire disk on Fast.
It is turned off in the BIOS when not in use, for 'safe keeping' (hacker safe).  I periodically (once a year or more, if things change much) run rsync -avz /home /mnt/home once the duplicate drive is turned on in the BIOS and mounted.  (nothing much has changed that isn't in /home -
at least, not recently)  To prepare to run rsync,  reboot the machine.   Go into setup menu, by pressing F2 in the early stages of the boot process.   Turn on the secondary hard drive on the first hard drive controller in the setup menu screen.  Save the settings and reboot. 

Now you can mount the backup drive with  mount /dev/hdb /mnt and run rsync.   (note: I last did so on June 6th, 2005 - CjB)

DO NOT FORGET to then run umount /mnt to unmount the backup drive!  And then you really should reboot and turn OFF the
secondary hard drive again in the setup BIOS menu.

Last updated on June 6, 2005