IRCAM rcam command


rcam - Infrared camera server program


rcam [debug] [int] [port=]


rcam is the infrared camera server program. It interprets commands to change sequences, determine status and read the chip. It responds to commands using the BAIT protocol which are similar to that found by other CCD cameras

Note: rcam is usually started by running the startnet script.


debug -prints debugging information on the screen.

int -takes commands from stdin and writes to stdout instead of to internet socket; data are discarded.

port= Sets the socket port address to the value specified in Hexadecimal. The default value is 0x1340.


ccd [time=] [file=] [noread] [gain=]

Reads the chip (unless noread is specified). The exact behavior depends on the sequence selected. If the sequence is a type that an exposure is relevant, (Frame or CDS) the reset sequence will be executed; the camera will delay for the requested number of seconds then the chip readout. If data bytes are to be transmitted back a separate line with the number of bytes sent (nbytes=) will be sent.

ccd_status [gain=] [seq=] [heat=]

Returns a string similar to:

done ccd_status nrow=256 ncol=256 readtime=1.0 tchip=293.0 t77=292.5 tfil=293.2 topt=-0.0 name=picnic darktime=26.0 gain=1 seq=Fowler heat=0.0 pixel=40.0 rot=0

Where the temperatures of the chip, 77 K station, filter wheel, and optics are returned in Kelvins. The active sequence name is also specified.

seq= specifies the wave sequence can be set by specifying either the frame, cds, or reset.

heat- sets the chip heater voltage.

Last Revised August 22, 2000