
By measuring the signal from standard stars we can measure the efficiency of the entire system.


Measurements of standard stars were taken on Nov 3, 2000 UT using the Thirty Inch under fair conditions. The total integrated counts over sky in a 10 pixel square box was measured. The magnitudes were taken from Hunt et. al. JHK Standards for Array Detectors. The Zero Point Magnitude Mzp is defined such that:
     Mstar = Mzp - 2.5 Log10(DN/sec)

Star AS02 - SAO 054271
FilterSignal (DN/sec)MagMzp
J 5000 8.78 18.0
H 5760 8.77 18.2
Kshort 3060 8.77 17.5
Star AS040-5
FilterSignal (DN/sec)MagMzp
J 2560 9,49 18.0
H 2965 9.42 18.1
Kshort 1560 9.40 17.4


The Mzp of a perfect system is computed from the following factors:
Theoretical Zero Point
Filter Lambda DLambda 0MagFlux Mzp
micron micron W/m2/micron
J 1.25 0.16 3.07E-09 19.0
H 1.63 0.31 1.12E-09 18.9
Kshort 2.14 0.30 4.07E-10 18.1

The central wavelengths and bandwidths are taken from the IR consortium curves for our filters. Note: there was an error in width of the J filter the analysis of the Mark I camera. The 0 Mag flux is taken from Vega


The efficiency of the system is the difference between the observed Mzp and the perfect Mzp.

Observed Efficiency
Filter Mag Diff Efficiency
J 1.0 0.40
H 0.7 0.52
Kshort 0.6 0.58

Compare to the theoretical value.

The product of this is 0.32. We are doing better than theoretical.

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Last Revised November 3, 2000