Integrated photon flux from lambda=0 from 300K Black Body Lambda Photon Number Flux microns photons/m^2/sec/steradian 0.900 1.2e+02 1.000 2.0e+04 1.100 1.3e+06 1.200 4.1e+07 1.300 7.5e+08 1.400 9.1e+09 1.500 7.8e+10 1.600 5.1e+11 1.700 2.6e+12 1.800 1.1e+13 1.900 4.1e+13 2.000 1.3e+14 2.100 3.8e+14 2.200 9.7e+14 2.300 2.3e+15 2.400 5.1e+15 2.500 1.0e+16 2.600 2.0e+16 2.700 3.7e+16
Integrating this over the filter bandpasses we have the following:
Filter range photonflux microns photons/m^2/steradian J 1.16-1.32 1.3e+09 H 1.48-1.77 7.8e+12 Ks 2.0 - 2.3 2.2e+15 none - 2.55 1.5e+16The Mark I camera does not have a cold stop and the chip looks out at the world with a 39 degree half angle. Using this value of the solid angle and correcting for the cosine factor we get 1.24 steradian. The detector pixel is 40 microns square.
Calculated Thermal Background Fluxes Filter calc flux obs flux p/pix/sec e/pix/sec J 3 0.8e4 300DN/sec large light leak H 1.5e+4 1.9e4 600DN/sec Ks 4.0e+6 1.7e6 300ms fill 500,000 Full well none 3.0e+7 1.7e7 30 ms fill 500,000 Full well
The thermal background could be reduced considerably by using a cooled stop. The telescope focal ratio is F:8 so that the steradian factor should be .012 or about 100 times less than the present value.
On Jul29 at J band the chip had background value of 266DN/sec when looking with mirror closed. When looking out at sky this value increased to 556DN/sec.
Filter B B mag/arc-sec2 e-/s/pix J 16.1 1200 H 14.3 5000 K 13.0 10100The background at K intrigues me because I calculate for a 40 micron square pixel illuminated by an F:4.0 beam (which is the final aperture of the camera) a rate of 170,000 e-/pix/sec. The observed is 17 times less; it is hard to believe that the emissivity of the 3-m telescope is only 10%.