DS9 Reference Manual
Table of Contents

Region Menu

The Region Menu is used to create, configure, and delete regions in the current frame. For more information on supported region types, properties, colors, fonts, and regions file formats, See Regions.

Get Info

Will display one dialog box for each region that is selected in the current frame. The type of dialog box differs with the type of the region displayed.


Select the region shape for all new regions. This does not change the current shape of selected regions.


Select the color of new regions or selected regions in the current frame


Select the properties of new regions or selected regions in the current frame.


Select the font of new regions or selected regions in the current frame.

Move to Front

Move all selected regions in the current frame, forward in the display list.

Move to Back

Move all selected regions in the current frame, back in the display list. Then the regions will no longer be selected.

Select  All

Select all regions in the current frame.

Select None

Unselect all regions in the current frame.

Delete All

Delete all regions in the current frame.

Load Regions

Load a regions file into the current frame.

Save Regions

Save as a regions file all regions in the current frame. The regions format and coordinate systems used is indicated via the Save/List Format and Save/List Coordinate System menu items.

List Regions

Lists all regions in the current frame in the format and coordinate system as indicated in the Save/List Format and Save/List Coordinate System menu items.

Save/List Format

Specify the regions file format for Saving and Listing regions.

Save/List Coordinate System

Specify the coordinate system for Saving and Listing regions. Not all coordinate systems are supported by all regions formats.