DS9 Reference Manual
Table of Contents

File Menu

The File Menu is used to load, unload, print, and display information about FITS images.

About DS9

Displays Modal Dialog box containing version number and credits.


Load FITS Image or FITS Binary Table. The standard file dialog is presented.

Open Array

Load Array file. The standard file dialog is presented.

Open URL

Load FITS Image or FITS Binary Table from specified URL.

Open Mosaic Image File

Load entire FITS Mosaic image composed of multiple extensions in one FITS file. The standard file dialog is presented. All extensions that are FITS Images and are valid FITS Mosaic Images will be loaded.

Open Mosaic Image Multiple Files

Load entire FITS Mosaic image composed of multiple files. The standard file dialog is presented.  Select any one of the files. All files that match that file name pattern will be loaded. See FITS Mosaic for supported patterns.

Open Mosaic Segment

Load an additional FITS Mosaic segment. The standard file dialog is presented. The FITS file must be a valid FITS Mosaic Image.

Open Mosaic Segment URL

Load an additional FITS Mosaic segment  from URL specified. The FITS file must be a valid FITS Mosaic Image.

Display Fits Header

Displays the FITS header. If FITS Mosaic is loaded, a list of headers will be presented.. If FITS Bin Table is loaded, the table header will be displayed, not the binned image.

Source TCL

Sources a valid TCL file.


Controls Postscript printing. Destination, PS Level, Color model, and Resolution can be configured.

Page Setup

Controls Postscript page layout. Orientation and page size can be configured.


Quits DS9.