IRCAM tickle command


tickle - ircamera clock test program


tickle [divider=] [static] pixel | lsync | fsync | line | reset | read | trigger | spare | x= | y=


tickle allows you to individually excite any or all of the eight clock lines of the PICNIC array by name. Used without the static argument, the specified clock lines will be toggled at a rate of 100 kHz.

The x= and y= options can be used to set the X and Y DACS. The input ranges are between 0-4095 which correspond to 0-5.0 volts output range.


static -sets the specified clock line high and doesn't toggle them.

divider= Changes the toggle freqency so that freq=2.5MHz/divider; The default value of the divider is 25.

Last Revised April 2, 1999