IRCAM rfilter command


rfilter - Infrared camera filter wheel server program


rfilter [debug] [int] [port=]


rfilter is the infrared camera filter wheel server program. It responds to commands using the BAIT protocol which are similar to that found by other filter wheels

Note: rfilter is usually started by running the startnet script on the node crystal.


debug -prints debugging information on the screen.

int -takes commands from stdin and writes to stdout instead of to internet socket; data are discarded.

port= Sets the socket port address to the value specified in Hexadecimal. The default value is 0x1340.


rfilter accepts just one command.

filter [name=] [num=] [home] [relax] [tense] [step=]

num= sets the filter wheel to the specified integer position in the range 0 to 5. The filter assignments are here

name= sets the filter wheel to the specified filter by its name. See the filter list to type

tx filter help

home rotates the filter wheel to the home position. This must be done whenever the electronics are taken off the telescope or the computer is turned off. Note: home is not filter 0 but is instead position 2.5 (in between filters).

step= moves the filter wheel the specified number of steps. Use this command to make small motions of the wheel off the center position. There are 400 steps per full rotation of the six position wheel.

tense - turns on the motor power and keeps it on. Caution- this will heat up the dewar.

relax- turns off the motor power and counteracts the tense option. The motor power is normally turned on just for the duration of rotations specified by the num= or home motions.

home_force - tells the controller that the present position is the home position.


Last Revised June 01, 2001