XVista manual page


buffers - display the contents of the FITS header


buffers fname [fits[=param] [fits=param2] ... [full]


Buffers prints out the header information in the named file. By default, the entire FITS header is listed. If fits=param is specified, then only the fits symbol "param" will be printed. Multiple parameters may be used.

The keyword FULL, or FITS without parameter, does nothing but is allowed for compatibility with VISTA.

Keywords are convereted to upper case before searching.


buffers m1 fits=naxis

buffers m1 - types out the entire FITS header of file m1.fts


Only the first 22 characters of a FITS comment line will be printed out if FITS=comment is specified. However, if no parameters are specified, the entire comment is printed along with the rest of the header.

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